Aboriginal Man King Pack

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Introducing our Aboriginal King Pack. Get everything you need to keep your hair and beard healthy & hydrated.

What does Aboriginal mean? It means: inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists.

We created this line using top quality ingredients for daily care for haircare, beard care, and bald head care.

This kit includes:

 -Daily Moisturizing Shampoo contains Ayurvedic ingredients to help stimulate growth, reduce shedding, relieve dry/itchy scalp. 

-Butter Balm which gives hydration , protection, and can be used as a deep conditioning treatment. Butter Balm is an all in one product to make getting ready easy as 1, 2, 3.

-Daily Leave-in Conditioning Spray increases moisture retention, strengthens hair, promotes growth, adds shine, & provides a light hold.



**Please Note: Amla is missing off the printed label. will be changed on next label order**

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