Ayurvedic System

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Get your hair back on track. This system is packed with ingredients that will strengthen, condition, detoxify, and stimulate hair growth. Also, great for dry, damaged, color treated hair. Based on the principles of Ayurveda, which is the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit Ayu which means life and Veda which means the knowledge of. To know about life is Ayurveda.

An ayurvedic hair care regimen includes mixtures and natural oils that are geared toward providing softens, strength, and helping with stimulating growth.

This system includes:

Growth and Restore Shampoo (sulfate free) which contains Aritha often known as "reetha", a soapnut that is a natural cleanser which produces a low lather. It provides natural sheen to the hair , controls hair fall, and dandruff.

Strengthening Hair Rinse with Bamboo and Rice Water which is packed with nutrients to help improve your hairs elasticity and strength.

Deep Repair Masque which is a Protein/Moisture Balancer the is a reconstructor to help hydrate and smooth your hair and make it noticeably softer, shinier, and stronger.

This system should be used once a week or once every two weeks. It can last you for one to two months depending on is you use it weekly, biweekly, or the length of your hair.

*The kit no longer includes 4 plastic conditioning caps.

Shampoo then apply the Strengthening Rinse (do not  rinse out), follow with the Deep Repair Masque on top. Let this sit for 15 min to an hour. Then rinse. 


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